Fine Print

Velocity Couriers offers 24-hour delivery service. Our regular hours of operation are from 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday.

Orders scheduled to be delivered between 5:00p-8:00am and all weekend deliveries have an after hours charge. This charge is $15.00 for regular zones and $25 for all other zones.

We understand that some deliveries take extra time. We are happy to wait, for whatever reason. There is no charge for first 10 minutes we wait. If the courier has to wait more than 10 minutes, there is a waiting time charge of .60 cents per minute from the time of arrival. ($36.00 per hour).

When the delivery address is wrong, the extra charge is based on the distance from the two places.*

For a second delivery in the same building, or if the suite number is incorrect, the charge is $3.00.*

A 10% surcharge will be added to any out of pocket expenses that Velocity Couriers covers in advance to complete the delivery (copy costs, filing fees, etc.).

*Charges apply during regular business hours; after hours charges may vary.